Sustainable Interior Design: What is it & How to Achieve no Matter your Budget?!

Hi and welcome to T H E  T A L E S  O F  T E X T U R E  B L O G ….. My name’s Ceri, and here in this warm and cosy corner of the internet, I delve into EVERYTHING Interiors, (specifically Sustainable Interior Design), Lifestyle, and a teeny, tiny bit of Travel! 

So Who The Devil Are You ….. You May Ask?

I am an Interior Stylist, Designer, and aspiring Blog Writer, here to help you navigate your way through the overwhelming choice of interior styles, brands, products, and finishes. I say a teeny, tiny amount of travel as well because I share my time between Worcester in the UK, alongside Palma in Mallorca, Spain. 

Having worked in travel for a huge chunk of my life, I  just adore jumping on a plane and setting foot in a new and exciting Sunny climb!! My travel has always inspired me and so to implement this into my Sustainable Interior Design work is a given! Before I get completely side-tracked and way off-topic, I should pull this intro back and focus on the topic in hand ….. INTERIOR DESIGN, more specifically Sustainable YET Affordable Interior Design.

Image by Ashley @ Quiet Joy at Home [via Pinterest] / Image by Jan [via Pinterest]

How Can I Achieve a Sustainable Interior That is also Affordable & Environmentally Friendly?

From the statement above this is the question I hear you all asking ….. And it’s a good question to ask!!

So for me, I believe good design is, and should be available to EVERYBODY. If we make conscious choices when it comes to paint options, product implementations, and brand focus, we can really make the right choices for our home, ourselves AND our planet, achieving a sustainable interior within our homes! So what am I really talking about here?

I’m talking paint selection that is based on natural pigments and low VOCs (technical term for less chemicals and much less stinky!!) As well as made using traditional processes and ingredients, such as Lime wash and mineral paint.

I’m talking, that when shopping for new products, fixtures and fittings, as well as soft furnishings and furniture, for our homes, we can be mindful of our choices. There is an ample selection of Brands and Interior companies out there, and in today’s world, it is super duper important for these companies to operate in a Sustainable manner. I am here to help guide you in your choices, and understanding of these Sustainable Principles, alongside spotlighting these big brands, as well as the small artisan brands that are paving the way for healthy and sustainable, long-lasting choices in our homes!!

Image from / Image from @Loft208 on Instagram / Image via Pinterest

A Sustainable Interior Design Overview …..

So when we say Sustainable Interiors or ‘Sustainable Interior Design’ what actually constitutes this?

“Sustainable Interior Design is an environmentally conscious choice, that reduces the negative impacts on the environment, whilst increasing the health and comfort of the homes’ occupants.” [Wilson & Dorset]

So we can all achieve a level of Sustainability within our homes. It really boils down to making conscious decisions. Putting a little extra time and effort in, in the beginning, to reap the rewards and benefits in the long term. 

Image of 'The 6 R's of Sustainability'..... Recycle, reduce, repurpose, reuse, repair and rot

Image via

My Top 5 Tips to Make Sustainable Choices in your Home …..

Tip No 1: Think Re-Using, Reducing, and Recycling…..

Vintage interiors and homewares are MASSIVE right now and super duper On-Trend, however, that to one side, implementing vintage pieces throughout your home adds character, and an element of uniqueness. You are re-using and re-cycling a really well-built, put-together piece, that deserves a second life or chance …. And don’t we all!

Tip No 2: Look Into Companies Values…. Do These Align With Your Own?

Just delving a little into their background, ethics and values will give you a whole insight into what they stand for, and how they are making sustainable interior design choices. This could be in their manufacturing processes, materials used, and shipping processes. This can then inform your decision even further to ensure you are working with, and being provided with, an excellent standard of service that respects you and our planet. 

Also look at their product particulars and descriptions, as they can be a little misleading when using terms such as ‘Eco-Friendly’ or ‘Non-Toxic’ ….. These can be paragraph fillers!! Look for more specific phrases such as ‘Made from 100% recycled material’ or ‘100% natural material.’ These are much more reliable, and can be researched further by looking at the materials used and the quality of the product.

Tip No 3: Reduce Waste:

Making the right choice for your home in the first place is always going to reduce waste. Do you need to replace that piece of furniture, or could you re-purpose it and up-cycle it, to give it a new life? If you are replacing it, or in need of an upgrade then giving the old piece to a homewares charity, or selling/giving it away secondhand, can be a great way to save it from going to landfill and ultimately to waste!

Today we are bombarded with new product launches. Social media and TV campaigns telling us we NEED THIS new kitchen upgrade, or THAT new electrical appliance in our lives…. But do we really?? Be mindful in your decision-making…. The 3 questions I like to ask myself here are; Do I need it? Is it going to benefit my home, and ultimately my life? And Can I afford it? 

Also, look into companies’ programmes regarding their waste and disposal of. Do they have a recycling programme in place? Will they take away your old piece of furniture, in place for your new one? How environmentally friendly are their manufacturing processes? Are they trying to use recycled or eco-friendly packaging for instance, or are they trying to reduce their water usage? All of these things should be considered when making sustainable choices for your home.

Image from [via Pinterest] / Image by Liz Fourez @ / Image via Pinterest

Tip No 4: Sustainable Interior Design Choices Can Save You Money!:

Firstly if you’re making an informed decision from the word go, and you understand how you’re going to use your space, and what pieces of furniture you need for your space etc, then you WILL save money in the long run. As you’re not rushing into making a quick decision and ultimately not buying the wrong pieces. 

Furnishing your home with well-built, quality pieces made from quality, eco-friendly materials, will provide you with excellent and long-lasting craftsmanship. Therefore they are choices that will stand the test of time, and a busy family home! Known as ‘Conscious Consumption’ (big techy words for just making an informed decision!)….. think quality over quantity!

  And as previously mentioned, vintage and antique pieces can be passed down through generations.This therefore saves money on buying new pieces!

Tip No 5: Have Fun With Local Artisans and Local Brands:

Shopping locally reduces your carbon footprint, as well as the brand’s. It is an incredibly environmentally friendly way to do things! It also supports local business, and builds community within your local area, allowing you to feel a part of something. In this big, bad wide world, there is something to say for that I think!

Image from Flan ‘Elle et Prune @ Pinterest / Image via Pinterest

So How Do I Tie in Sustainable Interior Design Choices with Affordable, Environmentally Friendly Ones?

Affordability is incredibly important today, with the rising cost of living and financial strains on all of us. So how do we make sustainable yet AFFORDABLE decisions when it comes to our home:

  • Be Mindful of Energy Efficiency: Opting to switch your light bulbs to Smart bulbs as well as LED bulbs will save you money! These are much more energy-efficient and a super duper easy, quick way to save on those household bills!
  • Maximise Natural Lighting: Simply ensuring your windows are clean and clutter-free will allow more natural light to flood your space. In the Spring and Summer months swap out your heavy-lined curtains. Use soft, sheer replacements, to maximise the light within your home. Natural light reduces the requirement for artificial light, and creates a bright and inviting environment. When we spend as much time as we do in our homes this is incredibly important!

Image of ‘Emma Floor Lamp’ from Bright Tech / Image by Ksenia Chernaya [via Pexels] / Image by Rachel Claire [via Pexels]

  • DIY Decor: When it comes to smaller decor pieces for your home, GET CREATIVE and make these using recycled materials or natural materials such as bamboo, wool, wood, or recycled glass. Small DIY projects offer endless possibilities, and you could always rope the kids in and do it as a family as well ….. Creating family memories and fun times together as well as that unique, personal touch for your home! 
  • Invest in Indoor Plants: One of my favs!! Indoor plants are not only a really cost-effective way to decorate your home, (pick up that little succulent whilst doing the weekly shop!) but, they also improve air quality within your home, and are proven to increase your connectivity and productivity. Choosing low-maintenance options such as succulents or air-purifying options such as palms, ferns or snake plants, will ensure you reap the benefits with minimum input!
  • Select Sustainable Materials: No matter whether you are looking to buy an affordable piece, for a small room update, or save and splurge on that new piece of furniture you had your eyes on for a while, be mindful of the materials used. Selecting pieces or products made of environmentally friendly materials, such as FSC-certified wood, bamboo, cork, or natural pigment paints, all have a much lower impact on the environment. Many, many companies now offer products made from recycled materials such as wool, plastic, and glass, which is again having a much lower impact on the environment and therefore our homes.
  • Be Inspired BUT not Led by Trends: Your home should be an extension and expression of you, your family, and your passions in life. Interior Design Trends are important (I would say that as an Interior Designer!) but these should aim to inspire and not dictate how your home is furnished and its overall aesthetic. Implement a trend because you LOVE it, it inspires and comforts you, and not just because it is currently ‘fashionable.’ It can also be incredibly expensive to keep up with these trends. Find what you truly love, and implement this into your home, for a space that feels warm, inviting, and very you!

Images from

To Wrap Up …..

Making Sustainable yet Affordable choices for your home is entirely possible. With just a little more thought, and time spent really understanding the products you are implementing, the materials used, and the Company’s values.

I hope as I progress through my Blogging journey to help you navigate, and implement these Sustainable Interior Design decisions within your home. Together we can create a home, that is warm and inviting, environmentally friendly, and within any budget….. big or small! 

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A Few Resources to Create a Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Home ….. 

  • ….. In 2004, Little Greene was one of the first UK paint manufacturers to achieve the European Environmental Standard certification. They have an extensive eco-friendly paint colour, and wallpaper range with a brilliant and informative website…. Well worth a look!
  • ….. H&M Home offer fantastically affordable products which are trend-led, but still with Sustainability at the forefront of their minds. As a company, they are really stepping up and making eco-conscious decisions. Sustainability plays a big role in their decision-making processes.
  • ….. Benuta Rugs offer affordable home furnishings made from natural materials, and washable fabrics. (Not to be understated in a busy family home!!) Their products are certified Cradle-to-Cradle, and they were a ‘Green Product Award’ winner in 2022.
  • ….. (Shameless plug alert!!) For information on Sustainable Principles, and Biophilic Interior Design please do take a look at my website. I delve a little deeper and provide lots more info!

Thanks for Reading my VERY FIRST (of many, hopefully!) Blog Posts and have a great week.

Ceri x

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